Mc DISC and HR

HR Directors are typically responsible for creating and supporting systems and processes that will enable their company to maximize effectiveness in the employee life cycle.

From pre-screening to selection, from coaching to career development, from performance management to retiring or firing, HR has to accommodate multiple needs and perspectives all along the way.

One of the biggest challenges is creating a culture with supporting systems that unifies the workforce while also meeting individuals’ needs.

The Mc DISC family of assessments allows them to do just that. Our Role Behavior Analysis can take some of the guess work out of job structure and role expectations by determine the behavioral needs of roles within job classifications. Potential litigation can be averted as behavioral-based questions are generated to be used in structured interviews. Once matched with DISC assessments, this can be part of a selection, hiring and onboarding process to ensure a “good fit” between candidates and job placement.

Career management and placement becomes a “safer bet” as employees better understand themselves and managers better understand the needs, strengths and interests of their employees.

Money is saved and hassle is minimized by getting people into the right jobs, and by reducing turnover and job dissatisfaction.

Instilling the “DISC language” creates a culture in which managers and employees alike learn to build trust-based relationships, avert and manage conflicts, give and receive feedback and make better, more robust decisions by valuing and capitalizing on differences – all of which leads to higher employee engagement and increased productivity.

That’s something HR can get excited about!