Profile Feedback

A report designed from the candidate’s point of view.

A Feedback Report is an alternative way of looking at a set of DISC results: from the perspective of the person who answered the questionnaire.

It’s only natural that a person completing a DISC questionnaire will be curious to see the outcome. Providing them with access to their own results is not only best practice, but also a great way to engage them with the profiling process and help to drive discussion.

The level of depth and detail in a full MC360 report isn’t the ideal vehicle for feedback of this kind, especially if it includes Job Matching information. For that reason MC360 includes a second reporting option, the Feedback Report, that’s designed specifically for the candidate to review their own results.

The Feedback Report is much briefer than a full MC360 report, written in a friendly accessible second-person style, with lots of explanatory text. Inside the report is an overall summary of the personality, and a series of sections covering topics likely to be of interest to someone reading their own personality report. For example, it provides a comparison against the population as a whole, and looks at topics like personal development and relating to other people. The report finishes with a brief section on career planning, as a helpful guide to the kinds of roles that suit the reader best.

MC360 doesn’t just provide the Feedback Report itself, but also some useful features to help you make the most of it. For example, you can choose to have MC360 send a copy of the Feedback Report automatically as soon as a candidate completes their questionnaire.